"Sunny" Skunk Art Giftcard

"Sunny" Skunk Art Giftcard

  • $5.00
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“Sunny?” Everyone was puzzled when a black-and-white nocturnal creature introduced herself.
“It’s true, I do have a nightlife and sleep all day,” the skunk began, “but one afternoon, on a whim, I ventured out. The autumn glow of a grape arbor made me blink. I couldn’t resist plucking a big leaf. Then I noticed a jay feather in vivid blue, and multi-hued juniper berries.”
Her chipmunk friend joined in. “I offered to help her gather more treasures – oak galls, dried Arizona Cudweed, willow leaves, and a raven feather. Using vine tendrils, I wove them all into a necklace and a golden tiara. She looked as bright as the sun!”
[Excerpt from the book “The Wild Hat”]